Thursday, September 7, 2023

I sort of hate it here 😒

I'm feeling some grief this morning... 
Saw a video that mentioned the mitochondria and said that when it's infected,  it's geriatricized. 
That single word describes the overall effect of post viral illness. 
Geriatricized. Can't be undone.

Ever since I was struck down (meant in the literal sense)
by M.E. I have tried to describe the way I feel since by saying that
My system seems to think I'm in my eighties... 
Geriatricized Mitochondria 
That's what you're risking when you become a sacrificial lamb to SarsCov2 
And I CANNOT wrap my head around how you can blindly continue to do the same even after all of this evidence continues to mount. 
I'm grieving today. 😔

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