Running with Rhinos is a book of stories compiled by the author during repeated travels to Africa to assist in the efforts to continue conservation efforts for the remaining, but dwindling population of black rhinos, who continue to be savagely poached for their horns. The images left with me from each of his tales were often heartbreaking, as I have always felt such disdain for the ignorant poachers. These innocent creatures deserve to live, and I'm thankful we have people like this author, who have the financial means and the heart to try and save them. His tales were clever, at times very funny, especially because the predicaments he described were real.. There's nothing better than a little wit tossed in after you've barely escaped with your life! The stories were entertaining as well as informative. I was completely ignorant to the risk involved in the tasks they undertake, to give these families a chance at a full life. I did find it a bit over the top, hearing so often how much was spent on meals, and lodging, and items purchased for the crew. I didn't feel it added a thing to the stories, rather I began to feel a sense that we needed to be reminded how wealthy Ed is. Now, I don't want that to sound like sour grapes, I'm thankful he has chosen to utilize his wealth to help others. He seems like an AMAZING man. And, he is, in fact, very wealthy. Which means that he worked! However he chooses to spend his cache is his business. Which means I don't need (or want) an itemized expense list.
My reading opportunities are few and far between at this time of year, reduced to only opening the Kindle as I crawl into bed each night. The stories were engaging enough to take me beyond my nightly 'ration' of reading time, making for a foggy mind the following morning, but I found I could not resist "just one more page"....
I did not like the way the author told each story as though I was already "in the know". There were countless added facts that left me with more questions than answers. The details I felt that I needed were omitted, and in those blank spaces were ramblings about which I had already been told. As a whole, the book was a pleasure.
Disclaimer: I did receive an ARC in exchange for my honest review. Thanks to both and the Greenleaf Book Group Press, for the opportunity to read and review this title.
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